Our Houston Therapy Mission Vision  & Values


A place to emotionally unload and connect 

We believe that our lives are at their best when we have healthy relationships with ourselves and others, because we are all connected. Thus, the state of our relationships directly affects how we relate to ourselves and vice versa. Unload It Therapy in Houston, TX was born from a need in the community to recognize these core tenets of our basic human needs. Our therapists are, at their core, humans with therapy licenses and education. What that means is we understand what it feels like to experience the challenges and traumas that our clients may be dealign with feels like. Instead of telling you what to do and how to live your life like a authority figure, we walk alongside our clients as they navigate their lives towards healing pain and emotional injuries. 

We specialize in helping you feel less stuck in all your relationships (with yourself and others) and supporting you in navigating through the troubled waters that trauma has brought. We are not here to diagnose you. Instead, we work with you using a more holistic, reality based, supportive approach. And although we remain professional and ensure your confidentiality at all times, because we take a individualized, pragmatic approach when working with our clients,  it may feel like you’re talking to a friend.

Purpose and Mission

Unload it Therapy is an inclusive mental health space led by BIPOC (Black Indigenous People Of Color) and cultural competent  therapists and staff specializing in creating a safe space for BIPOC,  disabled, and frankly anyone who wants to heal with the support of people who get it. We are an LGBTQIA2SP+ affirming practice specializing in individual, couple, and family counseling. It is our honor to treat all our clients with individualized care and provide them with high-end, quality therapeutic services with top-notch clinical care. We provide tools for people to rely on themselves and empower and educate highly motivated people with tools to forge healthier and stronger relationships. 

At Unload It Therapy, we commit to helping our clients gain relationships with themselves and their loved ones by creating a supportive environment where our clients can process and explore what is weighing them down, expanding self-awareness and self-perception. We stand alongside our clients, making them aware that they are now supported in a non-judgemental fashion and no longer have to walk alone. We create the space so clients can bring their whole selves along in this journey and unload what no longer serves them.  

Our Values


We value community among our team members, colleagues, and clients. We value ourselves working from an interconnected place, which means that we all influence each other.


Compassion is a cornerstone value at Unload It Therapy. We are a group of compassionate mental health care workers who care about our clients, team members, community, and the world around us. As leaders, we understand that we have a heart for people who champion positive change.

Connection & Collaboration

We work alongside our clients collaboratively, allowing them to lead us to their destination. We strive to collaborate and connect with our clients to help them achieve their goals. Likewise, as a team, at Unload It Therapy, we bring that same spirit of connection and collaboration to the workplace among staff. We collaborate to sharpen each other. In addition, we strive to make connections with one another to build a trusting clinical environment.

Diversity and Inclusion

Unload It Therapy was built from the understanding that diversity and inclusion are critical to our values. As mental health care workers, we continue to strive for excellence, especially in a way that will bring about change in our clients. We pride ourselves on working from a cultural competency standpoint, which requires continued Training and supervision to serve the needs of our clients and empower our team members

What we believe

  • Our clients have everything they need within them already. We are here, committed to supporting them to help them reach their goals. 
  • We believe that therapy is a human-to-human experience that enhances us all. 
  • Challenges occur over time and in context. Nothing happens to us from nowhere. We take the time to get deeper into the why and help you connect the dots to address problems as they arise.
  • Our clients do the best they know and come to therapy to gain the tools and support needed to make important changes in their lives. 
  • We do everything for a reason, and that reason is mainly to protect ourselves. Even “the things that don’t work” serves a purpose.
  • Therapy is a privilege. We recognize that there are many people in the world, both inside and outside of our society, who cannot afford the time to consider how to make changes in their lives. Instead, they are in a state of survival. We honor their journey by treating our clients with dignity and giving them the personalized care they deserve. 
  • Nothing is too small. Everything you go through is important and should not be discounted. 
  • Validation is our secret sauce, and vulnerability is our superpower. We believe that all pain needs to be validated, and by teaching and helping others to be vulnerable, we help them unlock a superpower that will carry them through life. 
  • Simple head nods and asking: “how does that make you feel” are not enough. We help our clients access their truest feelings while helping them link actions to patterns and giving them actionable steps to take to reach their goals.  
  • The person defines trauma. As trauma-informed therapists, our main concerns are safety and not reinjuring. We check in with our clients throughout the process. 

What we do

At Unload It Therapy in Houston, TX, we are also a training center, in addition to providing services for mental and emotional wellness. Thus, we have every licensure level of clinicians that the state allows, which include graduate student interns and licensed associates.

What is a student intern? How are they different from licensed therapists?

A student intern is currently enrolled as a graduate student working to obtain their master’s or doctorate. They have completed studies of ethical decision-making and knowledge of therapy models and are now working to obtain the clinical hours they need for graduation and licensure.

What is a licensed associate therapist? How are they different from licensed therapists?

A licensed associate therapist is a clinician who has completed their master’s or doctorate and has passed the clinical exam needed for state licensure, and are now practicing under the supervision of licensed therapists and clinical supervisors working towards the clinical hours that they need for full licensure.

Start your journey today!