EMDR Therapy in Houston, Texas

Our personalized EMDR therapy and integrative relational approach provides a supportive and safe space for you to recover and heal.

You can process and heal from emotional distress, limiting beliefs, trauma, and difficult life events.

Sometimes, talking therapies can’t help you completely process the difficult experiences, events, or feelings that you’re working through.

For instance, you may not be able to fully access the painful thoughts or memories or express limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Unfortunately, this difficulty can affect your ability to talk about them in therapy or progress.

As a result, you may feel stuck or unsure how to move beyond your experiences and feelings so you can heal.

Fortunately, there are effective alternatives to talking-based therapies.

EMDR therapy can help you heal without focusing on a talking-based only approach.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an evidence-based, effective method. It uses your brain’s natural healing tendencies to help you process difficult emotions, traumas, or life events.

EMDR therapy is a noninvasive approach that uses bilateral stimulation to help your brain reprocess distressing memories or emotions so you can heal.

EMDR is not hypnosis. During sessions, you are fully present while you safely process the past experiences or feelings with the help of your trained therapist.

Who can benefit from EMDR therapy?

EMDR is a dynamic therapy approach that helps people work through various emotional and distressing life events.

EMDR therapy can help you process:

  • PTSD related to military service or traumatic
  • life experiences
  • Childhood trauma
  • Domestic violence
  • Infidelity
  • Addiction
  • Phobias
  • Emotional distress, including anxiety and depression
  • Mental health issues such as eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or psychosis
  • Continuous self-defeating negative thoughts

Our EMDR therapy in Houston, combined with a relational approach, incorporates all aspects of who you are.

Our EMDR specialist in Houston will help you move beyond your painful experiences, memories, and limiting beliefs so you can recover and heal.

Our specialist will provide you with a supportive, controlled environment so you can process your memories, experiences, and emotions safely. So you feel heard.

Our personalized and integrative approach combines EMDR therapy with a relational approach and mindfulness practice. This helps you:

  • Gain validation and insights on your actions, thoughts, feelings, and patterns, so you understand how all aspects of your life and relationships are affected
  • Reprocess the trauma, limiting beliefs, or painful experiences
  • Develop additional tools and strategies for managing difficult emotions
  • Feel more present in your life

Meet our EMDR trained therapist

Roma Williams, LMFT-S


Have more questions about EMDR?

How Many Sessions Does It Take?

The number of sessions each client needs depends on each client and their history. However, studies have shown that in 3 sessions, 80-90% of those participants were able to have their trauma processed. In a study with combat veterans, it was reported that 77% no longer had symptoms of PTSD after 12 sessions.

How Long Before the Therapist begins doing EMDR?

There is a preparation phase that the therapist will start the client with before reprocessing the trauma. This is done so the client will have the tools needed when potential disturbances arise to “self-soothe.” However, in many instances, the active processing of memories should begin after one-three sessions.

Will I be under Hypnosis? Or is this a kind of Exposure therapy?

No hypnosis over here. EMDR uses various forms of bilateral stimulation. Eye movements engage the client’s attention to an external stimulus (such as the therapist’s hands or objects) while also focusing on internal distressing material. Shapiro describes this as “dual attention stimuli,” as the client attends to external and internal stimuli. Eye movements directed by the therapist are commonly used to achieve dual attention stimulus. however, alternate stimuli such as hand-tapping, lights, and auditory stimulation are often used.

Unlike exposure therapy, where clients experience longer periods of high anxiety and stress, EMDR employs repeated short, focused attention on a distressing event. Due to this, it is suggested that EMDR may invoke a different channel of response than exposure therapy.

I'm Interested, But I Don't Know If This is for Me

No worries! During your initial session, your therapist will perform a standard intake. During that time, you two can discuss if EMDR therapy is right for you.

You can recover from painful trauma, emotions, and life experiences and feel fully present in your life.

Our EMDR specialist in Houston will provide you with a supportive and safe space for you to process and heal.

We currently offer in-person therapy in Houston, and virtual therapy throughout the states of Texas.

From the Unload It Therapy Blog

Learn more about EMDR and healing from trauma and difficult emotions.

Rates Starting as Low at $80. Sliding Scale Available